Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun day....sort of

Well today was rather interesting. To start things off, I went and saw my dad on his birthday. We went golfing at Scally's with my brother. Always a fun time. He beat me, which isn't surprising even though he's 65. It's impressive for someone of such age, I hope by the time I'm that old, I can still do athletic things with my kids. If I ever have any. I don't even know if I want any, to be honest. I kinda do...I like kids...just not when they're infants. They always scare me. Maybe that'll change if I have one. I would hope so at least. After golfing, I went to McDonalds (I always seem to be there) to meet my friend Alex to go to the Pirates game. The Pirates game was rather exciting. They won, again, against the Red Sox...again. They're now 2 games over .500 and three games back of first place. If you would have told me that before the season started, I would have laughed in your face. It's quite remarkable to see, given who the Pirates have on their team. I'm just enjoying the ride. After the game, they had fireworks. I always have loved fireworks. The bright colors, the loud boom....very pretty. These weren't any was nice to see. To start off the fireworks, PNC Park played some classical music. Seeing the flashing colors and big booms, to go along with the classical music, it was all so...serene. Then the music switched to some summertime song, which lessened the mood....then a rap song....which wasn't great either. But then it switched to the song Summertime, by Rascal Flatts. I like Rascal Flatts, despite not liking country music. And that's a good song. So I was happy. Then the song switched to Kid Rock....whom I despise. His music at least....he seems to be a good guy. Sooo that's cool. The fireworks finished up with a good finale, always like to see that. And afterwards we left. How exciting, no?

Random fact...I like Red Bull. I like a lot of energy drinks actually.  But for whatever reason, they make me more tired. I have no idea why...or how. I swear I could drink five of them in a day, and I'd be fine. Or, I'd have a heart attack. Either or. The reason I'm saying this is because I just had one. And the more I drank, the more tired I got. Weird stuff indeed.

So the bad part of the day was......well you know. Typical girl drama, ha. It's quite simple actually. I like a girl, and she's not interested. Ohhh my godddd, my life's over!!! Hah. Yeah, not really. It just sucks, but hey that's life I suppose. Normally, I wouldn't write about stuff like this, but hey this is why this blog is if you don't like it....fuck off! I might as well state that she works with it makes at the same time, it's not. But I look forward to work anyways. And hey, whatever gets me though the day there, I guess. She's pretty awesome though, I must add. Just saying.

Anywho, I'm watching my friend play Batman: Arkham Asylum. Very good game. One of the few games I've actually beaten. I have a bad habit of not finishing games. Very bad habit. One day, I'm going to finish all my games, I swear. Whenever I get time. I have about....12 games here that I need to start playing or finish. 12 games!! Good games too. I just get bored of them real easily. I have a short attention span, I swear I have ADHD or something. I'm surprised I'm still writing this.....hey look a squirrel. Ha, ha. Speaking of video games, I'm a big nerd. I like to read comic books too, specifically Spiderman. I'm a huge Spiderman fan. HUGE. He's pretty much the most awesome dude ever. If only he were real.....sigh. Haha. I'm a Marvel fan though. Captain America is awesome too, and Ironman is cool. DC pretty much sucks except for Batman. I'm reading the new Batman Beyond comic though and it's pretty cool. Batman Beyond the tv show was awesome when I watched it as a kid. I didn't like the concept of it at first, but I warmed up to it. I wish it was on TV again. I'd totally watch it. Speaking of cool TV shows, the Spiderman tv show was the best. I actually have the whole series on my computer. I love that show so much. I should go watch it now....

I'm not going to watch it now, I'm going to go to sleep soon. I'm not usually up this late, but I'm off work in the morning so I can stay up for once. It's going to be nice to sleep in again. Very nice. I can't sleep in during the week because of class. I can't wait till I finish that. So I can get a real job and get good money. Not this minimum wage bullshit. I'm going to miss McDonalds least the people I work with. When I first started there, I didn't think I'd be there that long. But now I've been there for a year, and I'll probably be there till next April. Holy fuck. That'll look good on a resume at least...working at one place for awhile. Until of course they see....oh you worked at McDonalds? You must be a loser then. Yeah, not really, but alright. Working at McDonalds isn't that bad, despite what most people think. It does get annoying when it's packed all day and people like to order everything on the menu at once. But it's an okay job.

See, ADHD kicking in again.....I'm watching the Batman movie....with Heath Ledger as the Joker. I'm not a big movie buff, as I've said before....but his acting performance is probably the best I've ever seen. I can watch this movie a million times and I swear that's not Ledger who's playing the Joker. Just seeing what Ledger has done in previous movies, then going to this? It's truly incredible, at least in my opinion. He made this movie....even though it's about Batman.

I'm hungry. On my way home from the Pirates game, I realized all I had today to eat, was a ham sandwich. And I wonder why I'm so skinny. Maybe I can go somewhere for lunch tomorrow. That would be pretty fun. I think I will do that. As long as I don't have to drive. I've driven enough lately. Back and forth between Robinson and Bridgeville. Then to Pittsburgh and back.....and gas still isn't cheap. And I still don't have money. So, I can't afford to keep driving everywhere. Although I like to drive. I'd drive everywhere, all the time, if I could. Driving is peaceful....listening to music. It's a time all to myself. I like doing that a lot. I may have to drive to Florida here that should be pretty fun. Although I know I can't stay up and drive straight through to Florida. Not like my dad. At night I get tired when I drive. So, I'd probably wreck if I did that driving to Florida. Ohh yeahhh.

I bought the remastered Prince of Persia trilogy two days ago. I should probably play it. Those games were awesome back for the PS2. When I saw it in Gamestop, I was shocked because I knew they were remastering them, but I didn't know when. They did the same thing for the God of War games, so I hoped they'd do the same for the Prince of Persia games. I never finished the last one though....or maybe it was the second one. Hell, it probably was both. I rarely finish games, as I said before. Except ones that I really Golden Sun. God, that series is the best. And Pokemon games....I finish those. Unless you count catching them all as finishing them...then in that case, I've never finished one. Maybe when there was only 150 pokemon...but there's over 600 now. Fuck that. It's boring anyways. I'd rather just beat gym leaders and the Elite Four. If you don't know what that means, shame on you. Go back to your childhood!

Well, I'd love to keep writing, but the human body needs sleep. Unfortunately. It would be so nice to not need sleep. All those extra hours to do whatever you wanted. Oh, how nice that would be. But we weren't designed that way. Disappointing. Goodnight, all.


  1. I would just like to point out that I am currently in back drive thru, and I just read both of your blogs. You're so boring, Nate. However, reading random thoughts is actually pretty relaxing... so I'm gonna read all your posts. Of course, I'm a huge creeper, so that's to be expected. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow, unless you start after I leave at 2, but I'm not gonna bother checking your schedule (unlike someone we know). Hey, look at me, rambling. Okay, bye then.

  2. Thanks for reading lol. And I've stated several times, that I am, indeed, boring. So that's to be expected. But maybe my life will get more exciting, so people have things to read about. Or not.

    Why do you always work mornings now??? And I start at three. But maybe I'll work at one. Depends on how I feel.

  3. Well, I hope your life gets more exciting, for both our sakes, because I'll be reading about it, and well, you'll be living it.

    And I work mornings because, you know Lauren, she just hates scheduling anyone for night shifts. I don't really mind, though, because I like mornings better. But really, come in at 3, weirdo.
