Friday, July 1, 2011

Scream, Aim, Fire

I'm going to name all my posts using song titles from Bullet For My Valentine from now on. Not really, but they're probably my favorite band at the moment. I went and saw them at Stage AE a month ago. It was pretty cool. They're good live. I got this really good picture where the lead singer is standing on the stage with his guitar raised high in the air. Looks pretty cool.

It's been awhile since my last post. I've been pretty busy, sort of. I've just been getting home late, so I didn't feel like posting some stuff. Nothing exciting is going on in my life at the moment though. Yesterday I went golfing. It was fun, but holy fuck did I suck. I think I did better my first time golfing than yesterday. It was pretty bad. But I still had fun.

Earlier today I was playing Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It's an HD remake, since the original version was for the PS2. I loved the Prince of Persia games. I think slowly but surely, I'm getting back into gaming. For awhile, I just didn't play any games at all. Wasn't in the mood. Then, I didn't have time. I still don't have much time, but I can still play games on my day off. I hope I can get back into it. Games are fun, and I'm not really sure why I got out of it in the first place. Hopefully I can finish games now too. I have so many good games I have to play. It's a shame.

I really don't want to go into work tomorrow. I know we're going to be a bit shorthanded, and all the fuckers that are going to the Kenny Chesney concert are going to go to McDonald's. Guaranteed. Plus, it's going to be nice outside, and hey, when it's nice outside, I know my first thought is....hey, let's go to McDonalds!!! /sarcasm.

Fucking Chris Resop. I'm watching the Pirates game. Two guys on, no outs for the Nationals. In comes Chris Resop....strikes out Werth looking, strikes out Zimmerman looking, strikes out Nix swinging. What a job. Impressive indeed. The score is still tied 1-1 going into the top of the ninth, Pirates are up. We'll see what they can do.

Speaking of video games, I wanna play NHL 11 so bad. But my friend's "step-brother" lost it. Of course. The one time I actually want to play a game, and I can't. My life sucks. Kidding. Really though, it would be nice if I could play it. The free agency period started today for the NHL, and it's gotten me in the mood to play some hockey. I wouldn't mind playing some hockey in real life. It would be pretty sweet to play on a real team. Like in an adult league or something. I'd totally do it, if I could get enough people to play. I have a few friends who are interested, but not enough to field a team. Plus I don't really have the time right now. Maybe when I get out of school.

I cannot wait to get out of school. I probably said this before, but I really can't. I just want to get a real job, that pays more than fucking 7.50 an hour. And I'm tired of going to class then going to work full time. I don't have time for much of anything. I know that's life and all, but it sucks sometimes. I just want to get a job, so I can start advancing in life. Start to achieve my goals. What goals, you might ask? I'm not really sure yet. Eventually, I would want to start my own business....but that's so far down the line, I can't really think of that yet. I would like to get into the business side of the IT field, since that's where the big money is. Obviously to do that, I'd have to start out in IT. By the way, for those of you that don't know, IT stands for Information Technology. It deals with computers.....setting up networks, network infrastructure, computer security. All of that cool shit. I suppose that is what I envision for me down the road. I know I can do it, if I just apply myself. Unfortunately, that's the hard part. I could never apply myself to do much in my life. I lack the motivation. But things can always change. And that's what I expect to happen.

After school ends, I would like to move to Florida. The technology field down there is...I wouldn't say booming...with this economy, but it is good. And I expect that to trend up as time goes along. But a year is a long way from now. If I find someone here.....well...its' going to be hard to much as I don't want to admit it. Of course, I don't really see that happening, but you never know I suppose.

Pirates lose. Tim Wood gives up the game winning hit to....Matt Stairs. That's why the Marlins cut you, Wood.

Well, that's enough for tonight. I'm going to a game or something. Who knows. Thanks to all who read. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Here comes Cassie with another boring and random fact. I watched part of the Pirates game and McCutchen was up, and when they showed his name, I thought it said McChicken. This tells you a) it's been too long since I've watched a Pirates game, and b) that McDonald's is taking over my life (but we already knew that). Yes, I know this had nothing to do with anything, but I'm bored and I'm waiting for something to install on my computer, so I figured I'd come bore you to tears with pointless comments. After all, isn't that what friends are for? And now I'm going to creep on your facebook. Hey, I think I'm the only person who reads all of these. You need more dedicated friends. Okay, I'm done.
