Monday, June 27, 2011

A Long Day

Working at McDonalds can really take a lot out of you. Of course, it would help if there were actually people at work. But I guess no one believes in working nights anymore. Or scheduling people then. Whateverrrrr. At least I worked with some cool people tonight. So that was nice.

Yesterday, I went golfing again. I guess I should clarify. When I say golfing, I mean pitch and putt. Which is nine holes of par 3. It's pretty fun. I had a score of 36. The par is 28. So, not that great, but hey, I'm no pro. After that I went to Taco Bell and got that....xxl grilled stuffed burrito. It was pretty good. I love Taco Bell....I love Mexican food.....and seafood.....hmm. Oh, yes. I also did nothing else yesterday. First time I did that in so long. It was fucking fantastic. I can't wait till this quarter ends, and I can go on vacation. Hopefully to Florida. My dad bought a truck down there. And he's going to sell his van. So, he's going down there in a week or two. I figure, I'm off class then, and I've been wanting to go to Florida for awhile, so why not go? It would be nice to bask in the nice Florida sun for awhile. It would also be nice to bring a girl down there.....just saying.

You know that speech I mentioned a few days ago? Didn't happen. So now I have to give it tomorrow. It pretty much sucks. I'm ready to look like an idiot in front of a bunch of random people. That's just what I love to do on a Tuesday morning. Speech class really does. But to be honest, I think it's necessary....if taught right. Speaking in front of people is necessary. It's basic communication. Something that I lack, but that's beside the point. Still, people should get used to speaking publicly. Just in case you have to do so. This reminds me of a saying that I like to follow....jack of all trades, master of none. I like to be well rounded in everything, even if I'm not particularly great at one thing. It contradicts a statement my father once told me, "pick one thing and be the best at'll always be successful then". And I agree with that. But I'm not really great at one thing. So, I like to be good at everything. Just my personal philosophy.

I'm going to Ohio Pyle next Thursday. I'm pretty excited. I love going to Ohio Pyle. For those of you that have never been there, it's a state park of sorts...actually it just might be a state park. Anyways, it's that sorta thing. You can go camping....kayaking, you can even swim in the river if you want to. What I always did was I went down to Cucumber Falls, and down onto the rocks by the river. Then I'd climb on the rocks along the river. I always did that with my brothers and my dad. It's a blast. This time, I'm going with my friends, so I'd hope to explore more of Ohio Pyle this time. Actually go down those natural slides I've always heard about. That would be a blast!

Son of a bitch...Shawshank Redemption is on tv. Looks like I turned it on just in time. Great movie. I'm surprised I like it though. I usually don't like older movies. But this one is awesome. Tim Robbins is quite good in it.

Well, I'm going to go watch this movie now. To all who read, I thank you. Good night to all.

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